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Interest Tracks

New NACSN “Interest tracks” are formed and function, start with obesity, diabetes, cancer musculoskeletal health. We invited internationally-known and well respected experts and leaders in these fields – Youfa Wang, Chaodong Wu, Xiangdong Wang, Leslie Shen as our chairs. It aims to enhance scientific collaboration activities among NACSN members and potential members. In the future, more tracks will be created to serve our members.  


Track 1. Obesity; Chair: Youfa Wang


Dr. Wang’s research focuses on nutritional epidemiology, child nutrition and growth, childhood obesity (assessment, global trends, causes, health consequences, and prevention), chronic diseases, health disparities, lifestyles, global health, analysis of national survey and longitudinal data, and application of systems science-based methodologies in public health research. More information is at


Track 2. Diabetes; Chair: Chaodong Wu

Dr. Wu’s research focuses on elucidation of the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of obesity and overnutrition-associated metabolic diseases including insulin resistance, diabetes, and fatty liver disease so that novel dietary and/or pharmacological approaches can be developed for preventing and/or treating metabolic diseases. Using molecular, cellular, and integrative approaches, the Wu lab focuses on investigating the interaction between metabolism and inflammation. More information is at


Track 3 Cancer; Chair: Xiangdong Wang


Dr. Wang's research interest is in the field of nutrition and chronic disease prevention, with special emphasis on how dietary components (carotenoids, retinoid, and vitamins) and other exogenous factors (e.g., tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, high fat diet/obese and chemical carcinogen exposure) modify molecular and genetic pathways which alter the development of cancers. More information is at


Track 4 Musculoskeletal health; Chair: Chwan-Li (Leslie) Shen


Dr. Shen’s research focuses on interventions, such as dietary nutrients, bioactive components, functional food, phytochemicals, herbal supplements, and exercise, on bone health and mechanistic studies including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidative DNA damage, bone metabolism and structure, and bone biomechanics. More information is at

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