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Any individual with an advanced degree in nutrition, health, and other related fields, as determined by the Board of Directors, is eligible to apply.

Regular Members– $30

Regular Members who wish to become Lifetime Members can do so by paying a one-time $500 membership fee, is eligible to apply.

Lifetime Members -- $500

Any individual with a professional degree or relevant accomplishments with an interest in nutrition, health, and other related fields, as determined by the Board of Directors, is eligible to apply.

Associate Members -- $15

Any individual enrolled at an institution of higher learning with an interest in nutrition, health, and related fields, is eligible to apply.

Student Members -- $5

A representative from any corporation making a significant contribution to further the purposes of the Association, as determined by the Board of Directors, is eligible to apply.

Corporate Members -- $100

Any individual who has achieved an outstanding international reputation in nutrition, health, and other related fields and has made a substantial contribution to further the purposes of the Association, as determined by the Board of Directors, is eligible to apply.

Honorary Fellows -- FREE

If you live in the US, please send your membership fee to via Zelle, and send your application form to

If you live outside of the US, please send your membership fee to WeChat ID (tanlibo62), or contact NACAN at for specific payment methods

  • Membership fees are due in the month of January of each year.

  • The duration and dues for Sponsor membership are determined by the Board of Directors on an individual basis.

  • The Board of Directors shall determine any changes in such assessment accordingly.

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